Tuesday, 15 September 2015






Friday, 14 August 2015




無論你現在把手頭的東西完成得多好,如果你的產品中沒有一個明確的核心價值(core value),你一定會失敗。所以現在最重要的就是,和你周圍那些胡說八道、天花亂墜的人劃清界限。 

別來那些虛的,先解決三個「how」 我最想關注的是三個最困難的問題,這同時也是每一個用戶類產品都需要解決的問題:

如何吸引人們?(How to get people on the front door?)

如何最快讓他們對產品有「哇啊!」的感受?(How to get them to an "Aha Moment" as quickly as possible)?

如何高頻率地傳遞出產品的核心價值?(How do you deliver core product value as often as possible?)


Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Pay the farmer




I'm just 感動

I'm just 感動
今日randomly一禁 禁到呢首歌
原來由小學開始聽既歌係咁new age
Affirmation...! Ar-ha...! AFFIRMATION!


I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
(well not this one, I believe I place my happiness in my own hands)
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self-esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

And now all these "I believe" seem fit me
But some of them are like waking calls.
Ar-ha, teachers are everywhere!
I'm just 感動


I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
(well not this one, I believe I place my happiness in my own hands)
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self-esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side 
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye 

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness 
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side 
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

Thank you.

Earth 'entering new extinction phase'

Earth 'entering new extinction phase' - US study

"As well as seeing their habitat in Madagascar destroyed by illegal logging, lemurs are also regularly hunted for their meat, the IUCN says."

Those who illegally hunt the trees down are not the devil.
They may be employed to do so. They are not educated.
They may employ themselves to the illegal logging, but they are still uneducated.
They have no idea of the situation. All they know is to stay alive.
How to blame their survival instinct?

Blame the uneven wealth distribution.
Blame the extreme uneven wealth distribution.
Blame the extremely uneven distributed wealth.
I am not saying money, not uneven distributed money, but wealth,
for wealth doesn't mean money and money doesn't mean wealth.
I am saying the food, the water, the clothes, and more.
The food that was left on the table and then in the landfill.
And the food that was dumped untouched.
The water that was used to fill a pool that contains no one.
And the water to clean that pool.
The clothes which its existence has been forgotten because there are too many.
And the clothes discarded after worn once.

No, you cannot blame them. Do not blame them.
They are just mindless people happened to have too many printed papers and
know nothing but trying in a wrong way to fill their empty hearts.
They are not just "happened" to have those power to cause those wastage.
Blame the system. Do blame the system.
Every uneven wealth distribution has a system in protection.
Wait..but who allow that very existence of the system?
Blame, us, you, and me.

Wait..again...why are we looking for someone to blame?
Always? When there are something's wrong?
We do not need to blame anyone, just make some changes.

Saturday, 20 June 2015


3 Ways The World Is Designed To Make You A Slave

1) The education system

School teaches you how to memorize, repeat, and regurgitate. Just the skillset that is needed to spend your life working for someone else’s dreams. With ‘writing’ being a subject which is currently being taken out of schools, emphasis is being put more on memorization of knowledge and less on creativity and comprehension. The system is designed like this. Go through school, don’t push the boundaries, memorize and repeat, get good grades, get a degree, and then land a “job” where you are an employee for someone else your whole life.

It’s designed in a way that will prepare you to be a full-time worker, and it’s extremely difficult to self-actualize as a person when you a buried head deep in studying, tests, projects, and exams. It doesn’t teach you anything about creating a career for yourself, being self-sustaining, raising a family, being happy, HOW to think, spirituality, developing as a person, or anything that is really important in life.

There is also a lot it doesn’t tell you about such as political conspiracies and government coverups, and this is because it is government owned. From the time our children turn 5 years old, they get thrown into a government-regulated system of indoctrination that spits them out the other side when they are 18 and have no idea who they are, what they are doing, how the world functions, how to live in the real world, or how to be happy. The education system is design to make you an obedient sheep. Nothing more, nothing less.

Form of slavery: Slave to grades

2) The rat race

After you have proven that you can follow orders and have traded your passions, creativity, and individuality in for grades, you are now fit to join the rat race. Because of inflation and the crazy amount of money it costs just to survive in our world today, we feel like trading our time for money is the only option we have. After all, we all have debts to pay off and bills to pay. And if you chose to go to college or university to increase your chances of landing a good job, chances are you are 20-50 thousand dollars in debt before you even see your first paycheck.

When you work 40 hours a week, spend another 5-10 driving, another 5 just trying to catch your breathe and relax after work each day, you are spending 50-55 hours per week chasing paper. It’s not your fault, it’s just the way the world is designed. When your entire life is dedicate to trading your time on earth to simply making ends meet, you are no longer working for the purpose of economic advancement. You are working to stay alive.

We sometimes call that type of work “slavery”. And when our world is set up where its almost always necessary to take out loans and debts, you spend the rest of your life trying to pay it all off. Where is there time for self-actualization, self-discovery, soul-searching, enlightenment, developing your passions, or adventure?

You become a slave to your job and your debts, and then you wake up one day thinking “Oh my God, I’m 60 years old”. Start living NOW. The rat race is a trap designed to keep you a passionless productive gear in the machine of capitalism.

Form of slavery: Slave to money

3) Television

The average American watches about 30 hours of television per week. The commercials are fear-based propogandas trying to scare you into purchasing crap you don’t need with money you don’t have. Not cool enough? Finance this car. Not with the in-crowd yet? Drink this type of beer. Not getting enough attention from the opposite sex? Use this type of body spray. The list goes on and on.

Junk food like McDonalds and Wendy’s advertised as being progressive and healthy. Partying is glorified. The news stations are owned by corporations and are biased, fake, and exclusive. Materialism is shoved down your throat in an attempt to make you feel less worth and less successful than you are. Even the television shows themselves are typically hollow, unintelligent, and drama-based. Televisions are brain-numbing machines.

But you are too tired after work to do anything except sit down, and your day was so boring that you need some form of enjoyment. Television seems like the perfect solution. Form of slavery: Slave to mind, meaninglessness, and boredom.

This is all by design.

When you spend 50+ hours a week chasing paper and aren’t practicing spirituality, how can you really feel complete inside? When you go through an education system void of personal development and trade your creativity for grades, how can you expect to feel whole when you come out of it?

So what happens is, you go through school, get a job, and trade your time for money. You then have this void inside you that won’t leave you because life just feels hollow and meaningless, and you are too tired to do anything except watch television. You turn it on, and all you see is advertisements promising happiness, fulfillment, and comfort in the form of materials. Because you haven’t been shown where to look for true happiness, you end up spending money you don’t have in an attempt to enhance your life, and end up being buried even further in debts and depression. Because you have been taught your whole life to trade your soul for grades and paystubs, you feel totally empty and end up chasing the high you get from buying new materials.

Not to mention, you are taught your whole life to take your ego for your identity, so by enhancing your ego you feel you will enhance your sense of identity and self-worth. Consumerism and materialism is literally built on the conveyor-belt process of school, work, television, emptiness, and a desire to feel like your life actually matters in some way.

Suicide is currently the 10th leading cause of death in America. Do you think that has anything to do with this worker/consumer labels we have allowed to define us as people? The world is literally designed to make us spiritually numb and then prey upon our need for purpose and meaning. The best thing you can do for yourself is listen to your heart, practice spirituality and meditation, and gain the courage to go do what makes you feel alive.

Life is too short to spend it living like a rat on a wheel.

- See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/3-ways-the-world-is-designed-to-make-you-a-slave/#sthash.xunYjgXG.dpuf

Friday, 19 June 2015




什麼叫有效的信念?就是小時候我們最喜歡的格言…失敗為成功之母、滴水穿石、聚沙成塔、吃的苦中苦方為人上人……,這些格言其實都是幫我們建立核心信念,把你小時候的格言拿出來用你今天學到的賽斯心法再做檢驗,如果你把吃的苦中苦方為人上人信奉不得了,你現在苦的要命你怪誰?信念創造實相!你的信念就是你信奉的格言啦! 比如我們有個學員,搞了半天不知道她得了乳癌,結果把她小時候信奉的格言找出來,她終於知道她為什麼得乳癌了,她小時候有個格言,任何事情一定全力以赴、每件事情都要做到最完美、結果事情做的很好心情死掉了,她後來很累,工作做的很好,家庭做的很好,孩子通通是事情,因為她用做事情的心態去當媽媽,當媽媽不是只有事情,當媽媽有很多心情,後來她的人生就是做好每一件事,這樣的人生怎麼過下去,難怪會得乳癌,她有個信念人就是要完美的做好每一件事,在過程當中她把自己繃緊到了極點,好累好累好辛苦,她也常常上健身房把自己身體練的很好,她就是不明白為什麼自己會生病,吃得很好、吃得很對,還上亞力山大健身,她為什麼得乳癌?不知道?後來把小時候的信念通通找出來了,她就是要每件事做的很完美、就是不能夠輸給別人,這樣的信念讓她辛苦了這麼久,可是我們不是要叫大家當個懶惰蟲,是使用神奇之道~輕鬆不費力事半功倍,學了賽斯心法是事半X倍…無限倍,信念建立起來,行動給它出來,心態搭配冥想進來,跟隨衝動事半……無限倍!




Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Smile to the one in the mirror

When I finished shower, I looked at the person in the mirror, for that millisecond, that person feels like a stranger while my first reaction is to smile to her. The second feeling rushes to me is sadness. Did I ever smile to her? Not to a selfie in front of the mirror? Just simply a kind smile?





































  即使像讓一保羅·沙特(Jean-Paul Sartre)這樣一個極具聰明才智的人也不得不說他人就是地獄,獨身會更好過些,你與你的配偶無法和睦。他變得很悲觀,他認為與別人的共同生活是不可能的,他人就是地獄。通常情況下他的話是對的。但是通過靜心他人會變成你的天堂。讓一保羅·薩特卻對靜心一無所知。






我自己本身就是個問題 我不知道自己是誰?該怎麼辦?該去哪裡?



就是和這個問題待在一起。 就只是和問題待在一起,而不去尋求答案—這是最困難的事情之一。



不可能有答案的存在的,因為生命是一個奧祕。如果有任何答案存在的話,那麼生命就不是一個奧祕了。 生命沒有答案,它無法被解決。生命不是一個難題,它是一個奧祕。這就是問題和奧祕的區別。難題可以被解決,不論它有多困難。而奧祕是無解的—不是因為它困難。它其實非常簡單,只是它本質上就是無解的。 和那個問題待在一起—警覺地、覺知地、不去尋找、不試圖獲得答案。這一點很困難,但是如果你能做到的話……而這是可能的。我就辦到了。所有那些讓問題消失溶解的人也都辦到了。

這份純然的覺知,這份覺知的火焰,會把問題燃燒殆盡。覺知的陽光讓問題消融;它消失了,它蒸發了。然後有一天,突然間,你會發現你存在,而問題不在了。並不是問題被答案所取代了。沒有答案。但是問題就是消失了。你沒有問題地存在著。這就是解答。 沒有問題的你,就是答案。這並不表示你從此能夠回答你是誰—而是你會覺得這個問題變得好笑。這個問題變得荒謬。

從一開始,這個問題的出現就是錯的。不過現在你還無法了解這一點;你還需要提出問題。你需要迫切地詢問。你可以詢問,但是不要要求答案。 這就是神學和宗教精神(religiousness)的區別。神學為你提供答案;宗教精神帶給你覺知。神學為你提供答案—答案是現成的、加工過的、修飾過的、完美的。宗教精神不會給你任何答案;它只會幫助你貫穿深入這個問題裡。

你越是深入這個問題,你越會發現它在融化、它在消失。當問題完全消失時,一股無與倫比的能量會從你的內在釋放出來。你毫無問題地,存在著。 當你沒有問題的時候,當然也就沒有頭腦(mind)。頭腦是提出問題的人。當問題消失時,頭腦也消失了,只剩下純粹的意識—無雲的天空、無煙的火焰。 而這就是神性。這就是佛;這就是基督。記住,我一次又一次的重複:佛陀沒有找到答案;所以他從來不曾回答這個最本質的問題。你問他:「神存在嗎?」他會迴避這個問題,他不會回答。你問他:「人死了之後會如何?」他會迴避這個問題,他會開始談論其他事情。他不會回答。 他不是玄學家,他也不是哲學家。他直接面對了那個問題,而那個問題消失了。

當你點起燈火,當你把光亮帶進來時,問題會像黑暗一樣地消失。因此,把更多的覺知帶到這個問題上來。 你說:「我自己本身就是個問題。」很美!事情就應該是這樣—把所有的問題簡化到最根本的那個問題,那就是「我是誰?」不要在那些外圍的問題上打轉,像是「誰創造了世界?」、「這個世界為什麼會被創造出來?」這些都是沒有意義的問題。直接來到這個最根本、最本質的問題:我是誰? 誰?讓你的意識穿透它,像一隻箭,越來越深入,越來越深入,越來越深入。

不要急著尋找答案—因為頭腦十分狡詐。如果你變得著急、沒耐心,頭腦會給你一個答案。頭腦會引經據典;它是惡魔!它會說:「對,你是神,你是純淨的意識,你是最終的真理、永恆的靈魂、不朽的存在。」而這些答案會摧毀你的追尋。一個求道者需要小心那些現成的答案。這些答案垂手可得;它們從各個方向蜂擁而來。事實上,你的頭腦早已受到制約了。在你還沒提出問題之前,已經有人給你答案了。 一個孩子—在他還沒有詢問關於神的問題之前,就已經有人給他答案;他被制約了。他還沒有發問—這個問題還沒有出現,但是人們已經提供了答案。然後很多人一輩子都對這個答案深信不疑,但卻從來沒有自己提出過這個問題。




和它待在一起。不要東奔西跑;不要急。有耐心點。讓這個問題變成你忠實的夥伴。 這就是我唯一教導的戒律:發問的戒律。還有,不急著尋找答案。 而且,能夠和問題待在一起是很美的一件事,因為答案使你腐化。它們摧毀了你的純真;它們摧毀了你純淨的無知。它們用文字、理論、教條填充你的頭腦;然後你不再是個處子。它們腐化了你。問題是純淨的;它不會腐化你。事實上,它強化你的純淨;它讓你變得越來越清澈。 開始覺知這個問題。我並不是說你要一直詢問:「我是誰?」也不是要你用語言來表達它。而是在沒有語言的狀況下,讓這個問題待在那裡。讓它像是你的呼吸一樣;讓它像是你的存在一樣。讓它在那裡,寂靜無聲,但是持續不斷,就好像你在孕育它一樣。

有一天,當你和這個問題生活在一起夠久了,它會開始消失。它會蒸發,就好像當清晨來臨,太陽升起時,露珠開始消失一樣。當你的意識變成火燄,變成強烈的光亮時,這個問題會開始消失。 當這個問題消失時,你沒有辦法回答你是誰,但是你已經知曉。這時候它不是什麼知識,而是真正的知道。你沒有辦法回答,但是你知曉。你可以把它舞蹈出來,但是你無法回答。你可以把它微笑出來,但是你無法回答。你會把它生活出來,但是你無法回答它。

Tuesday, 26 May 2015





由愛故生憂,由愛故生怖, 若離於愛者,無憂亦無怖。



Monday, 25 May 2015

Life of the party

I love it when you just don't care
I love it when you dance like there's nobody there
So when it gets hard, don't be afraid
We don't care what them people say
I love it when you don't take no
I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so
Let them all go home, we out late
We don't care what them people say

We don't have to be ordinary
Make your best mistakes
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party
I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary
Hearts are gonna break
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party

I know it's you talking to me.





What hiking should like

One day.

The only technique to learn something new - JAMES ALTUCHER

Don't force yourself to learn something if you don't want to or it's not a natural talent.
What's the role of talent? Very small. But you have to start with it. Talent is the seed of skill.
How do you know if you are talented? If you loved it when you were ten years old. If you dream about it. If you like to read about it. Read the below and you'll know what you are talented at.
Trust me when I say: everyone is talented at many things.

In the past 20 years I've wanted to learn how to do some things really well. Writing, programming, business skills (leadership, sales, negotiating, decision-making), comedy, games.
So I developed a ten step technique for learning.


If you can't start with "love" then everyone who does love will beat everyone who "likes" or "hates".
This is a rule of the universe. The first humans who crossed the arctic tundra from Siberia to Alaska in -60 degree temperatures had to love it. The rest stayed in the East Africa Savannah.
The very first day I wrote a "Hello, World" computer program I dreamed about computers. I woke up at 4am to get back to the "computer lab" and make even bigger programs.
When I first started to write every day, I would write all day. I couldn't stop. And all I wanted to talk about with people were different authors.
When I was 10 years old I wrote a gossip column about all my fellow 5th graders. I read every Judy Blume book. I read everything I could. I loved it.
Most of my friends got bored with me and soon I was very lonely. Except when I was writing.


Bobby Fischer wasn't that good at chess. He had talent but nobody thought much of him.
So around the age of 12-13 he disappeared for a year. He did this later in his 20s.
But at 13 when he came back on the scene he was suddenly the best chessplayer in the US, won the US championship, and became the youngest grandmaster in the world.
How did he do it? He barely played at all during his year of wandering.

Instead he did two things:

a) he studied every game played in the prior century. In the 1800s.
When he came back on the scene he was known for playing all of these antiquated openings but he had improvements in each one. Nobody can figure out how to defeat these improvements.
In fact, the final game of the World Championship many years later, in 1972 when he was playing Spassky, he brought out his 1800s arsenal to become World Champion.
Spassky desperately needed to win to keep the match going. Fischer needed to draw to win the title.
Spassky started with a very modern attacking opening ("The Sicilian") But then around 13 moves in, all of the commentators watching gasped.
Fischer had subtly changed the opening into an old-fashioned very drawish 1800s opening called "The Scotch Game." Spassky didn't have a chance after that.

b) He learned enough Russian to read the Russian chess magazines. At the time, the top 20 players in the world were all Russian. The Americans didn't really have a chance.
So Fischer would study the Russian games while all of the Americans were sitting around with openings and styles the Russians already knew how to defeat.
Consequently, when Fischer competed in the US championship in the early 60s it was the first complete shutout, all wins and not a single draw.

Studying the history, studying the best players, is the key to being the best player. Even if you started off with average talent.


If you want to be a writer, or a businessman, or a programmer, you have to write a lot, start a lot of businesses, and program a lot of programs.
Things go wrong. This is why quantity is more important than quality at first.
The learning curve that we all travel is not built by accomplishments. It's only built by quantity.
If you see something 1000 times, you'll see more than the person who sees the same thing only ten times.
Don't forget the important rule: the secret of happiness is not "being great" - the secret is "growth".
If you only "try" you'll get to your level that is natural for you. But growth will stop and you won't be happy.


If I try to learn Spanish on my own, I get nowhere. But when I go out (and now marry) someone who is from Argentina, I learn more Spanish.
With chess, writing, programming, business, I always find someone better than me, and I set a time each week to ask them tons of questions, have them give me assignments, look over my mistakes and tell me where I am wrong.
For everything you love, find a teacher and that makes you learn 10x faster.
In fact, everything I put on this list, makes you learn 10x faster. So if you do everything on this list you will learn 10 to the 10th power faster than anyone else.
That's how you become great at something.


If you want to learn how to be a GREAT programmer (not just good enough to program an app but good enough to be GREAT, study machine language.
Study 1s and 0s. Study the history of the computer, learn how to make an operating system, and Fortran, Cobol, Pascal, Lisp, C, C++, all the way through the modern languages of Python, etc.
If you want to write better, read great books from the 1800s. Read Hemingway and Virginia Woolf and the Beats, and the works that have withstood the test of time.
They have withstood the test of time. versus millions of other books, for a reason. They are the best in the world.
Then study the current criticism of those books to see what you have missed. This is just as important as the initial reading.
If you want to study business, read biographies of Rockefeller, Carnegie, the first exchange in Amsterdam, the junk-bond boom, the 90s, the financial bust. Every Depression. All the businesses that flourished in every depression.
Read "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel. Watch "The Profit" on CNBC. Read about Steve Jobs. Read about the downfall of Kodak in "The End of Power".
Don't read self-help business books. They are nothing. You are about to enter a great field, the field of innovation that has created modern society. Don't read the average books that came out last year.
Step up your game and read about the people and inventions that changed the world into what it is today.
Read how Henry Ford had to start three car companies to get it right and why "three" was the important number for him.
Read about why Ray Kroc's technique for franchising created the world's largest restaurant chain. Read how the Coca-Cola makes absolutely nothing but is the largest drink company in the world.
Write down the things you learn from each reading.


Tony Robbins told me about when he was scared to death on his first major teaching job.
He had to teach a bunch of Marines how to improve their sharpshooting. "I had never shot a gun in my life," he said.
He studied quite a bit from professionals but then he came up with a technique that resulted in the best scores of any sharpshooting class before then.
He brought the target closer.
He put it just five feet from them. They all shot bullseyes. Then he moved it back bit by bit until it was the standard distance.
They were still shooting bullseyes.
Richard Branson started a magazine before he started an airline. Bill Gates wrote BASIC before his team wrote Windows.
E.L. James (and yes, I'm including her) wrote Twilight fan fiction, before she wrote "50 Shades of Grey".
Ernest Hemingway never thought he could write a novel. So he wrote dozens of short stories.
Programmers write "Hello, World" programs before they make their search engines.
Many chess grandmasters recommend you study the endgame first in chess (when there are few pieces left on the board) before you study the other parts of the game.
This gets you confidence, it teaches subtleties, it gives you greater feelings of growth and improvement - all steps on the path to success.


The other day I threw everything out. Everything. I threw out all my books (donated). I threw out all my clothes.
I threw out old computers. I threw out plates I never used. I threw out sheets I would never have guests for. I threw out furniture (four book cases) and my TV and old papers and everything.
I wanted to clean up. And I did.
I found a novel I wrote in 1991. 24 years ago. It was horrible.
For the first time in those 24 years, I re-read it. I studied what I did wrong (character unrelatable. Plot too obvious. Deus ex machina all over the place).
Someone told me a story about Amy Schumer, one of my favorite comedians. She videotapes all her performances.
Then she goes back to her room and studies the performance second by second. "I should have paused another quarter-second here," she might say.
She wants to be the best at comedy. She studies her every performance.
When I play chess, if I lose, I run the game into the computer. I look at every move, what the computer suggests as better, I think about what I was thinking when I made the bad move, and so on.
A business I was recently invested in fell apart. It was painful for me. But I had to look at it and see what was wrong. Where did I make a mistake. At every level I went back and wrote what happened and where I might have helped better and what I missed.
If you aren't obsessed with your mistakes then you don't love the field enough to get better.
You ask lousy questions: "Why am I no good?" Instead of good questions: "What did I do wrong and how can I improve?"
When you consistently ask good questions about your own work, you become better than the people who freeze themselves with lousy questions.
Example: I hate watching myself after a TV appearance. I have never done it. So I will never get better at that.


Look at every literary, art, and business scene. People seldom get better as individuals. They get better as groups.
The Beats: Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs and a dozen others.
The programmers: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Ted Leonsis, Paul Allen, Steve Wozniak and a dozen others all came out of the Homebrew Club
The art scene in the 50s: Jasper Johns, De Kooning, Pollack, etc all lived on the SAME STREET in downtown NYC.
YouTube, LinkedIn, Tesla, Palantir, and to some extent Facebook, and a dozen other companies came out of the so-called "PayPal mafia".
All of these people could've tinkered by themselves. But humans are tribal mammals. We need to work with groups to improve.
Find the best group, spend as much time with them, and as a "scene" you become THE scene.
You each challenge each other, compete with each other, love each other's work, become envious of each other, and ultimately take turns surpassing each other.


What you do every day matters much more than what you do once in awhile.
I had a friend who wanted to get better at painting. But she thought she had to be in Paris, with all the conditions right.
She never made it to Paris. Now she sits in a cubicle under fluorescent lights, filling out paperwork all day.
Write every day, network every day, play every day, live healthy every day.
Measure your life in the number of times you do things. When you die: are you 2 writing sessions old? Or are you 50,0000?


Eventually the student passes the master.
The first hedge fund manager I worked for now hates me. I started my own fund and his fund went out of business. My evil plan was ultimately to be better than him.
But how?
After all of the above, you find your unique voice. And when you speak in that voice, the world hears something it has never heard before.
Your old teachers and friends might not want to hear that voice. But if you continue to be around people who love and respect you, then they will encourage that new voice.
There's that saying, "there are no new ideas." But there are.
There are all the ideas in the past combined with the new beautiful you. You're the butterfly.
Now it's your turn to teach, to mentor, to create, to innovate, to change the world. To make something nobody has ever seen before and perhaps will never see again.




“Idealistic as it may sound, altruism should be the driving force in business, 
not just competition and a desire for wealth.” 
 Dalai Lama

Sunday, 24 May 2015







Monday, 11 May 2015

Love from Interstellar

Love isn’t something we invented. It’s observable, powerful, it has to mean something... Maybe it means something more, something we can't yet understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some.. artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it yet.


Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Don't Quit

Stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, -
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit..

Saturday, 4 April 2015


“What have you been reading?
WILLOW: Quantum physics. Osho.
JADEN: “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” and ancient texts; things that can’t be pre-dated.
I’m curious about your experience of time. Do you feel like life is moving really quickly? Is your music one way to sort of turn it over and reflect on it?
WILLOW: I mean, time for me, I can make it go slow or fast, however I please, and that’s how I know it doesn’t exist.
JADEN: It’s proven that how time moves for you depends on where you are in the universe. It’s relative to beings and other places. But on the level of being here on earth, if you are aware in a moment, one second can last a year. And if you are unaware, your whole childhood, your whole life can pass by in six seconds. But it’s also such a thing that you can get lost in.
WILLOW: Because living.
JADEN: Right, because you have to live. There’s a theoretical physicist inside all of our minds, and you can talk and talk, but it’s living.
WILLOW: It’s the action of it.
What are some of the themes that recur in your work?
JADEN: The P.C.H. being one of them; the melancholiness of the ocean; the melancholiness of everything else.
WILLOW: And the feeling of being like, this is a fragment of a holographic reality that a higher consciousness made.
JADEN: [bursts into laughter] As soon as me and Willow started releasing music, that’s one thing that the whole world took away is, okay, they unlocked another step of honesty.
If these guys can be honest about everything, then we can be more honest.
How have you gotten better?
WILLOW: Caring less what everybody else thinks, but also caring less and less about what your own mind thinks, because what your own mind thinks, sometimes, is the thing that makes you sad.
JADEN: Exactly. Because your mind has a duality to it. So when one thought goes into your mind, it’s not just one thought, it has to bounce off both hemispheres of the brain. When you’re thinking about something happy, you’re thinking about something sad.
When you think about an apple, you also think about the opposite of an apple. It’s a tool for understanding mathematics and things with two separate realities.
But for creativity: That comes from a place of oneness. That’s not a duality consciousness. And you can’t listen to your mind in those times — it’ll tell you what you think and also what other people think.
WILLOW: And then you think about what you think, which is very dangerous.
Do you think of your new music as a continuation of your past work?
JADEN: I think Willow’s had a huge evolution.
WILLOW: I mean, “Whip My Hair” was a great thing. When I look back I think, “Wow, I did so much for young black girls and girls around the world. Telling them that they can be themselves and to not be afraid to be themselves.” And I’m doing that now but in a whole different way, coming from source energy and universal truths.
People will be, like, “Oh, I’m not going to make a song about exactly how I feel, all the bad ways that I feel, and put it out in the world so everyone can judge me.” But for me, it’s a part of me, it’s my artistic journey.
JADEN: That’s another thing: What’s your job, what’s your career? Nah, I am. I’m going to imprint myself on everything in this world
How do you write? What’s your process?
JADEN: She gets in the booth and just starts singing.
WILLOW: I mean, the beat is usually what moves me. Or I think of concepts. Then when I hear a beat that is, like, elaborating on that concept, I just go off.
JADEN: She freestyles and finds out what she likes. Same thing with me.
WILLOW: You piece it together. You piece together those little moments of inspiration.
What are you searching for in those pieced-together moments?
JADEN: Honestly, we’re just trying to make music that we think is cool. We don’t think a lot of the music out there is that cool. So we make our own music. We don’t have any song that we like to listen to on the P.C.H. by any other artist, you know?
WILLOW: That’s what I do with novels. There’re no novels that I like to read so I write my own novels, and then I read them again, and it’s the best thing.
JADEN: Willow’s been writing her own novels since she was 6.
But do your collaborative relationships inspire you in different directions?
JADEN: Totally.
WILLOW: Me and Jaden just figured out that our voices sound like chocolate together. As good as chocolate tastes, it sounds that good.
How does fashion relate to what you do?
JADEN: Willow just dropped a song (“Cares”), let me quote the lyrics: “I do not care what people say.” We both don’t really care. I like to wear things that I make, but I throw it on as though I was throwing on anything. It looks cool, sometimes.
WILLOW: I like to go to places with my high-fashion things where there are a lot of cameras. So I can just go there and be like, “Yep, yep, I’m looking so sick.” But in my regular life, I put on clothes that I can climb trees in.
What are the things worth having?
JADEN: Something that’s worth buying to me is like Final Cut Pro or Logic.
WILLOW: A canvas. Paint. A microphone.
JADEN: Anything that you can shock somebody with. The only way to change something is to shock it. If you want your muscles to grow, you have to shock them. If you want society to change, you have to shock them.
WILLOW: That’s what art is, shocking people. Sometimes shocking yourself.
You mentioned breathing earlier, and it’s also an idea that recurs in your songs.
WILLOW: Breathing is meditation; life is a meditation. You have to breathe in order to live, so breathing is how you get in touch with the sacred space of your heart.
JADEN: When babies are born, their soft spots bump: It has, like, a heartbeat in it. That’s because energy is coming through their body, up and down.
WILLOW: Prana energy.
JADEN: It’s prana energy because they still breathe through their stomach. They remember. Babies remember.
WILLOW: When they’re in the stomach, they’re so aware, putting all their bones together, putting all their ligaments together. But they’re shocked by this harsh world.
JADEN: By the chemicals and things, and then slowly…
WILLOW: As they grow up, they start losing.
JADEN: You know, they become just like us.
So is the hardest education the unlearning of things?
WILLOW: Yes, basically, but the crazy thing is it doesn’t have to be like that.
JADEN: Here’s the deal: School is not authentic because it ends. It’s not true, it’s not real. Our learning will never end. The school that we go to every single morning, we will continue to go to.
WILLOW: Forever, ‘til the day that we’re in our bed.
JADEN: Kids who go to normal school are so teenagery, so angsty.
WILLOW: They never want to do anything, they’re so tired.
JADEN: You never learn anything in school. Think about how many car accidents happen every day. Driver’s ed? What’s up? I still haven’t been to driver’s ed because if everybody I know has been in an accident, I can’t see how driver’s ed is really helping them out.
WILLOW: I went to school for one year. It was the best experience but the worst experience. The best experience because I was, like, “Oh, now I know why kids are so depressed.” But it was the worst experience because I was depressed.
So what’s next?
JADEN: I have a goal to be just the most craziest person of all time. And when I say craziest, I mean, like, I want to do like Olympic-level things. I want to be the most durable person on the planet.
WILLOW: I think by the time we’re 30 or 20, we’re going to be climbing as many mountains as we can possibly climb.”


竹子用了四年的時間,僅僅長了 3cm,但從第五年開始,以每天 30cm 的速度瘋狂的生長,僅僅用了六周的時間就長到了 15 米。 其實,在前面的四年,竹子將根在土壤里延伸了數百平米。


Sunday, 8 February 2015

Money belief #1

Money is a popular topic and there is much potential to bring more money into your life with the right beliefs. The progress is easy to measure- your account balance is your feedback.

The first thing to do is to neutralize the negative or limiting beliefs that otherwise block the full potential of the positive beliefs and affirmations. Speak those phrases out loud and you ‘ll know if it feels coherent and you believe in those phrases. It is helpful to classify the degree of your believing in those phrases on a scale of 0-10 . Neutralizing the 10 strongest negative beliefs alone liberates so much energy and potential, so that quite a lot will change in your life regarding money.

After that, you can take care of your affirmations and positive beliefs. With the affirmations it is not about saying them as often as possible every day – that alone does not change much. The point is that they feel right! And that you reach by eliminating all doubts in the affirmation. When the affirmations and positive beliefs reach a degree of 10 on the scale, all doubts are removed and accordingly money will increasingly manifest in your life. Depending on the extent to which you change your attitude to money, the positive changes will show up in your bank account.

Negative and limiting beliefs about moneyPositive beliefs and affirmations about money
Accepting money obligates meAll money is energy awaiting my command to create good into my life
Being rich is a sinAll the money I spend brings me joy
Being super conscious about every single penny is right thing to doBeing rich is easy
Daddy will like me better if I don’t spend muchBeing rich makes potent
Everybody wants moreBy embracing my passions and offering my skill sets to the public I become richer and richer every day
God must not want me to have moneyEarning money is easy
God wants us to struggleEverybody can be successful
God wants us to sufferGod is my Source and Supply for all material and spiritual Substance
Having money is greedyGood and intelligent people should always be rich
Having money makes you evilHaving money feels great to me
Having money stops you from being happyI accept abundance and it is coming to me right now
They don’t deserve to have a lot of moneyI accept good things into my life with gratitude
I always rent; owning a house would be too scaryI adore the rich
I am separate from moneyI allow myself to dream
I am smart and talented; I should get more!I allow myself to feel successful
I can never get aheadI allow myself to play and enjoy life
I can’t have money and free timeI always do my best
I can’t handle having moneyI always give myself permission to buy the things that are most important to me in life
I can’t have moneyI always have access to an abundance of money
I can’t save moneyI always have enough money to give to my favourite charities and others who are in need
I do not have enough to share or give awayI always have everything that I need
I don’t deserve to have a lot of moneyI always have more than enough money
I don’t deserve moneyI always have more than enough money to meet my needs
I don’t have any moneyI always manage and invest my money carefully
I don’t have enough moneyI am a magnet to money, prosperity and abundance
I don’t know how to make moneyI am a magnetic to success
I don’t know what I’d do, if I had moneyI am a special, unique person with much to offer the world
I get nervous, when I think about moneyI am a success
I give up when it comes to moneyI am abundant in all areas of my life
I hate moneyI am always able to solve my own money problems to ensure that I have what I need
I hate thinking about moneyI am always in charge of earning exactly how much money I need and want
I have to do something, other than what I want, to make moneyI am building a financially stable future for myself and my family
I have to feel guilty for having moneyI am creative and capable
I have to hustle to make moneyI am happy, healthy, wealthy, healed and whole
I have to own my own home to feel secureI am living an abundant happy life
I never have enough moneyI am open to abundance
I never want people to know I have so much money because people are really mean to rich peopleI am open to opportunities
I really don’t want money anywayI am prosperous, healthy and happy
I spend money on something that breaks I’m stupidI am rich
I want to have a lot of money when I get old, then people will be nice to meI am saving more money every day
I will never have enoughI am self-confident, loving and generous
I would never feel secure if I had to be responsible for much more than a hammockI am succeeding
If I am successful, people will hate meI am successful
If I get paid a lot people will find out that I am a fraudI am successfull in everything I do
If I have a little more than I need to get by, someone else has to go withoutI am thankful for the comfort and joy that money provides me
If I have money, I’ll just lose it anywayI am the best in my job
If I have money, I’ll lose all my friendsI am the center of power
If I have money, others won’t have moneyI am the creator of my abundance
If I have money, people will be after me for moneyI am the creator of my own life
If I have money, people will be jealousI am the creator of my own success
If I have money, people will just want me for my moneyI am the source of my abundance
If I make a lot of money, I will be betraying my father who never made much moneyI am wealthy
If I make a million dollars, I might lose it and then I would feel stupid and hate myself foreverI am well paid
If I spend money, I won’t have any moneyI am willing to accept the best life has to offer
If you were a smart and cute woman you would have married someone with money by nowI am worthy of my salary
If you were a smart woman you would be supporting yourself easily by nowI am worthy of receiving abundance
If you work hard, you’ll never be rich anywayI am worthy ot being rich
I’ll never make moneyI appreciate all that I have
I’m afraidI attract all things that I desire into my life
I’m blocked when it comes to moneyI attract money into my life
I’m broke and stuckI attract only lucrative, enjoyable and beneficial circumstances
I’m going brokeI attract success into my life
I’m limited when it comes to moneyI believe in unlimited possibilities
I’m not destined to have moneyI bring love to everything I do
I’m not good enough to have moneyI can be successful in every job
I’m not good with moneyI clearly see opportunities to effortlessly make money
I’m not willing to do what it takes to make moneyI create money and abundance through joy and self-love
I’m not worthy of having moneyI decide for abundance
I’m poorI decide for prosperity
I’m powerless over moneyI deserve any job I want
I’m stuck when it comes to moneyI deserve it
It is better to take less than my due and be free from sticky situationsI deserve to be financially free and independent
It is better to take less than to be responsible for someone else’s hardshipI deserve to be prosperous
It’s best if I just want enough to get byI deserve to be rich
It’s not fair that those people have so much more money that I doI deserve to be wealthy
It’s a hassle having moneyI deserve to earn a lot of money and to be wealthy
It’s bad to have moneyI deserve to earn money by pursuing my passion and life purpose
It’s bad to want moneyI deserve to have a happy and prosperous life
It’s filthy being richI deserve to have abundance and prosperity
It’s impossible to make lots of moneyI deserve to have nice things
It’s more spiritual being poorI enjoy an abundance of money
It’s not spiritual having moneyI enjoy beeing rich
It’s shameful being richI enjoy earning money
It’s tough timesI enjoy multiple streams of passive income
Making money is a painI expect and receive the very best
Making money is hardI focus on my goals daily
Money can’t buy loveI focus on what I love and draw it t me
Money causes fights about moneyI forgive any and all debt owed to me
Money causes problemsI give myself permission to be and do what I want
Money causes stressI give myself permission to have what I want
Money doesn’t grow on treesI have wealth in every area of my life
Money is a curseI honor myself at all times
Money is a pain in the neckI learn from my challenges
Money is a sinI live in an abundant universe
Money is dirtyI love me and my success
Money is frustratingI love money
Money is hard to come byI love to be around rich people
Money is hard to deal withI manage my money wisely
Money is hard to getI open to my inner guidance
Money is not spiritualI picture success for everyone
Money is the root of all evilI receive money just by thinking luxuriously
Money makes the world go roundI release all thoughts of lack and I focus on what I have
Money slips through my handsI trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way
Money spoils youI trust that the universe will always meet my needs
Money will change me for the worseI use money to make the world a better place
More money goes out than comes inI value my money
My prosperity takes away from someone else’s prosperityI value my time and energy
Never buy anything that you don’t needI value myself
No matter what I do, I won’t make any money at itIt is easy for me to make money
Only some people get to have moneyLots of money means lots of power
Only a select few get to have moneyMoney comes to me easily through the services and products that I provide to others
Other people get to have money, but not meMoney comes to me freely and easily from multiple sources of income
Poor people are more happyMoney flows to me easily, frequently and abundantly
Rich people are corruptMoney is a reward for providing great value to others
Rich people are evilMoney is energy
Rich people are greedyMoney is freedom
Rich people are stuck upMoney is my friend
Rich people don’t make it into HeavenMoney is my friend
Rich people get there by taking advantage of othersMoney is pleasant
Rich people think they are better than everyoneMoney is positive energy that takes care of my worldly needs and desires
The economy is poorMoney makes sexy
The poor get poorerMy choices and possibilities are expanding every day
The rich get richerMy decisions are always right for me
There is not enough money to go aroundMy dreams are coming true
There’s a shortage of moneyMy energy flows freely and easily in all areas of my life
There’s not enough money in the universeMy energy is focused and directed to my goals
There’s not enough money to go aroundMy finances are secure
Time is moneyMy income always increases over time
To be a valuable person, I have to work more for less money than other people doMy job is fun and fulfills me
To save money you have to do without thingsMy life is alive with vitality
When I think about money, I shut downMy self-worth and net worth are building every day
Worrying about money is tackyMy self-worth is growing every single day and every single moment
You can never have enough moneyMy thoughts are completely on abundance
You get what you deserveMy thoughts are loving and positive
You have to break your back to make moneyMy wallet is bulging with money
You have to do lots of things you don’t like in order to have moneyPower is something beautiful
You have to sell your soul to have moneyThe better I manage my money, the more money I attract into my life
You have to struggle to surviveThe bigger the problems you can solve for people, the more money you will earn
You have to suffer to get close to GodThe universe always serves my higher interests
You have to work hard to get itThere are no limits to my imagination
You have to work hard to have moneyThere will always be an abundance of money
You have to work hard, scramble, struggle, suffer, and pursue moneyUnexpected money simply falls into my lap
You should always use money wellWealth comes to those who purse their passion relentlessly
The love of money is the root of all evilWhen I open my mailbox, there is always a check for me
When it comes to money, more less is betterWith every day I become richer and richer
I think the list is useful yet the positive affirmation doesn't really reverse the negative ones nor explaining why the negative ones were there at the first place. However, there can't be a list for why you are holding the beliefs that are yours. We all have to clear up these beliefs one by one by ourselves as we are the only one who knows what we think and why we think in that way.